Tips for preventing shopping addiction

Shopping addiction is a behavioral addiction where some people spend excessively so that they can feel better. They could end up getting some of the items that they don’t need because they wanted to deal with their negative emotions and feelings.

When someone is addicted to shopping, they may run into debt because they might spend more than what they have.

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They could borrow money from loved ones because they want to satisfy their spending cravings. If you feel that you might be struggling with shopping addiction, here are some tips to help you prevent it.

Admit that you have a spending problem

When it comes to shopping addiction, you need to acknowledge that you have a spending or shopping problem. If you are still living in denial about your situation, you will find it hard to get help because you are not open to exploring the reason behind your compulsive spending habit.

Track your expenses

It is important to monitor how you spend, what you spend on, and how frequently you spend. Tracking your expenses will help you know the extent of your shopping addiction, and it can assist you in making the right future decisions.

Set spending goals

You should learn to set some spending goals so that you can control how frequently you shop. For instance, you can set weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals so that you can put your shopping disorder in check.

When you do this over time, you can compare the records and see if you’re making progress over time.

Get professional help

You can consider seeking professional help especially if you notice that your shopping addiction is getting out of hand, and beginning to affect other aspects of your life. The mental health therapist will be able to find out the root cause of your addiction, and they will proffer effective help for you.

Unfollow and block shopping websites

People with shopping addiction might find it hard to control their spending because they can easily access shopping websites and order anything they want. You may restrict your access to some of these websites and social media pages so that you won’t spend on what you don’t need.

Signs of shopping addiction (Clothes)

Not many people know that they have a shopping addiction because they enjoy what they do.

Shopping addiction is a behavioral addiction where an individual engages in an obsessive and compulsive pattern of shopping. This habit helps to relieve them of negative emotions like depression and anxiety.

Someone who is suffering from shopping addiction might not have full control of their emotional and mental well-being.

In this post, we will look at some signs of shopping addiction especially when it comes to purchasing clothes.  

  • You conceal purchases

If you are addicted to shopping for clothes, you would not want people to know how much you’re spending. Something within you tells you that your shopping has gone overboard.

However, you will still go ahead to buy it because of the thrill it brings. After getting the clothes, you might realize that you never needed them in the first place.

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  • You shop in secret

Another way to know that shopping addiction is in play is shopping when others are not watching. If you notice that you prefer to get clothes when no one is watching, you might be addicted to shopping.

People facing this challenge do not like to listen to those who talk about watching how you spend your money.

  • You run into debts

Someone facing shopping addiction is always obsessed with getting items like clothes, so they would regularly run into debts because they spend above their budget.

Such people would end up borrowing money from people to satisfy their shopping cravings. They will regret being a debtor for a short time before they resume their compulsive shopping when they have more money.

  • You get irritable when you don’t shop

An addicted individual keeps indulging in their addiction because they need ways to keep sustaining it. Hence, if they don’t shop for clothes when they want to, they get irritable, frustrated, angry, etc.

If you are struggling with shopping addiction, it is best to tell your support network and see a therapist to get professional help.

How dressing well positively impacts mental health

Have you ever walked into a public place and you feel good about yourself? One of the reasons could be because you dressed well, and it positively affected your self-esteem and confidence.

If you have ever experienced a situation where you are not just happy about yourself, check closely, it might be your dressing.

Here are some ways on how dressing well improves your mental health

  • Boosts your creativity

When you decide to dress well and look great, you are activating your creative sense. This means that you would take extra effort to combine what would give you a robust facelift.

You would not want to appear ordinary because it would be impossible to make an impression when there’s no creativity. When you are creative about how you look, it transcends to other aspects of your life.

Therefore, if you want to keep your mental health in check, pondering on what to and how to wear your clothes will keep your mind productively engaged.

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  • Improves confidence

If you are looking for a fast way to step up your confidence, dressing well is one of the ways to go. This is one of the reasons why job seekers are advised to dress well if they are going for an interview.

Doing this would help them remain calm all through the interview so that they can confidently answer any question. Beyond this, it also shows that you can handle anything that is thrown at you.

  • Provides a healthy distraction

One of the ways to distract yourself from the worries of life is by dressing well. When you preoccupy yourself with the goal of dressing great, you will focus less on your present challenges because you will be focused on making a good impression.

When you dress well, it would be easy for you to focus on the positives. You will pay less attention to negative aspects because your self-esteem has received a great boost.

Tips to dressing well

There are a couple of benefits that comes with dressing well and taking advantage of this habit will help you in many ways unimaginable. Having a good dress sense to look good is the ability to select clothes that steps-up your attractiveness.

The way you dress automatically affect how people treat you. It often starts with the way they look at you and compliments you. In comparison, if you don’t dress well, you will be able to tell the displeasure of people from how they look at you.

Hence, if you want to make people like you more, you need to dress well and below are some tips to help you:

Wear the right outfit for any occasion

One of the primary reasons why people don’t dress well is because they don’t know what to wear for the right occasion. Some people end up wearing casual wears when they are supposed to don corporate outfits and vice-versa.

This incidence happens a lot because people are not aware and they have no one to advise them. If you are in these shoes, it is imperative to pay conscious efforts to the occasions you attend, and the right outfits for them.

Wear great shoes

What are great clothes without good-looking shoes? Good shoes complement your clothes and they make you look complete. If you wear nice looking clothes without good shoes, your dressing is incomplete and you could get scorned at for it.

If you don’t know the right shoes to well, it is advisable to pay more attention to fashion professionals and enthusiasts on their takes on shoes and clothes.

Follow up on Fashion platforms and professionals

The social media is a great way to keep yourself abreast of the latest happenings in the fashion world. Paying good attention to social media platforms that are about fashion would go a long way in keeping you informed on the right fashion steps to take.

Making an impression with a good fashion sense

One of the easiest ways to make people feel good or say nice things about you, is to have a good fashion sense. For instance, if you are scheduled for an interview and you walk into the interview room gorgeously dressed, you might catch the eye of the interviewers who will be impressed.

How do you make an impression with a good fashion sense? Here are some tips that have proven to be generally useful over time:

Improve your knowledge-base on fashion

If you want to have an impressive fashion sense, you need to pay more attention to the world of fashion.

The mistake some people make is, they think this means getting deeply involved in fashion. Eventually, they end up getting overwhelmed with what fashion entails, and they lose track of their initial goal.

Improving your knowledge-base in fashion simply means knowing the basics of good fashion. You can decide to focus on some fashion hacks, and improve yourself in that aspect.

Get professional help

Another way to step-up your fashion game is by seeking professional help. Just like other aspects of life where there are professionals, there are professionals in fashion who have the hacks at their fingertips. You can decide to pay for professional advice that helps you get better in your fashion life, allowing you to always make a good impression everywhere you go.

Harness the power of the social media

The social media is one of the greatest tools ever to grace our existence. Some people have gotten good in their fashion life merely by using the social media. You can check out fashion professionals and enthusiasts on various social media platforms, and you will definitely get better over time.

Get a shopping budget

When you know what you need to spice up your fashion life, the last step is to work on a budget. The purpose of the budget is to prevent over-spending, and it helps you get the right things you need.  


Dressing well is essential, and one falsehood which people have been forced to believe is, your financial status determines how well you would dress. This statement is true to a minute extent, but looking at the big picture.

The financial status of a person is in no way a determinant of how well you would dress. Provided you know how to combine what you have, your dressing would go just fine.

Not everyone has the same access to financial supply, however, there are some people who know how to make do with what they have, and they still look very good.

There are some people who are gifted with amazing looks, pretty faces, nice bodies and the likes. So, it is natural that, when they wear modest clothes, it looks very good on them.

Now, there are some people who pay good attention to how they dress, and the reason for this is not far-fetched. You would be addressed the way you dress.

Once you dress well, you can be sure that, the way people would respond to you, would be totally different.

For instance, if you were to go for an interview, where dressing is an integral part of the assessment, those people who dress well, would have higher points than those who do not dress well.

These days, people place more premium on those that dress well, than those who fail to do so. There is a different dimension of respect which comes with dressing good.

In addition to this, people who dress well tend to get more opportunities than those who do not. This is why you will find out that, people who dress really nice are more open to more business and money prospects than their counterparts.

Dressing well gives you a level of confidence, and as you walk, there is a graceful gait which you carry along with you. With time, you will become used to this kind of personality, because, there is no disadvantage attached to dressing well.



Clothes define your appearance, and they are responsible for looking either good or not. The appearance of an individual matters a whole lot, starting from how people greet him when they see him for the first time, to if he stands a chance of not being harassed or scorned at whenever he is travelling.

It is not compulsory for the individual to always keep in touch with the latest fashion trend so that his appearance can step up, what matters is pondering about his basic looks every day.

Below are five reasons why you should always wear good clothes:

  • They create a positive first impression: Most times, when we meet people for the first time, we have an opinion about them before actually speaking to them. This also implies that your clothes have a direct effect on the first opinion which people would have about you. Hence, the better dressed you are, the more attention and respect which you would derive.
  • They increase your alleged status: After you have a first positive impression, wearing good clothes helps you to control the way people speak or react to you. Clothes stand as an alternate feature for your character, for people who are not too familiar with you. Hence, you earn respect automatically.
  • It boosts your confidence: Wearing good clothes has an effect on the human mind, as it increases your confidence level. After dressing well, and looking up yourself in the mirror, you would see the image of an alpha-individual who must not be treated less. Hence, everything about you that moment changes, starting from your walking pattern amongst others.
  • It imbibes in you, responsibility: When you care for your appearance, it suggests that your responsibility level is appreciable. This is due to the fact that you would take note of little details which might not be visible to human eyes on a first look. It strengthens your mental power of paying attention to detail, and it also helps you to plan ahead.
  • It makes you more useful at work: When you are dressed really well, you can perform almost any duty given to you at work. You could stand in for your boss or head of department. You might also be selected to serve as a temporary personal assistant at a dinner or business meeting.



In a normal society, everyone does not definitely have the opportunity to the same amount of wealth, exposure, treatment and care. The luxury a person can gain access to could determine to a large extent how good the person will look.

Some people are gifted with good looks, beautiful faces, and wonderful smiles, while some other people have the characteristics of the direct opposite. This is to the end that, everyone is not born and created to enjoy the same benefit on talent, gift and wealth, it only comes by chance.

The extent to which people go to keep up

Persons who are relatively rich in terms of economic standards, and are not physically good looking, could decide to make use of cosmetics and other very heavy make up just to look good by all means. Some persons even go to the extent of going through some medical surgeries, to make alterations to their physical appearance.

Why do people spend so much and pay so much attention to their appearance?

The way we present ourselves to the society sends a message at every point in time. Every society tends to have their standards on the definition of many things including people’s appearance.

In recent times, most societies place great value on the physical beauty of a person, than his or her intellectual property and skill, to the extent that some organizations decide not to employ some people for some specific position because of their lack of beauty. Such experience is very tragic, as beauty is supposed to be seen as insignificant and negligible when it comes to certain situations.

The implication of societal scrutiny concerning physical appearance

Paying close attention to fashion and trends in the society, we will see that what we call beauty standards are built on baseless fallacies, and as such they are unrealistic to follow. However, when you decide not to follow them, you tend to get kicked out and seem rejected.

One of the precedents of these societal standards is that, people who do not look too good are of lesser importance in the society. Another precedent of this is that the standards always increase and will always increase, so people just have to keep up with the trends.

The end result of all these is to make everyone look good and presentable at every point in time. So, for you to maintain or increase you value in the society you have to try as much as possible to get posted and current about what is acceptable in the society.